About Majo Caporaletti
Nace en Buenos Aires en 1986. Es Licenciada en Artes Visuales por la Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA). De 2013 a 2015 se traslada a París y asiste al taller de Dibujo y Morfología de Philippe Comar y Valèrie Sonnier en la ENSBA de París.
Her painting is nourished, among other things, by nature, her dreams and the relationship between animals and women. When painting, it is the internal vision that meets the world, achieving a body of work located between the plausible and the dreamlike. Through the use of light and symbolic language, Caporaletti investigates the translation of emotional states, affections, sensations, forces.
Awards and distinctions:
2022: Mention in painting 110° National Visual Arts Award. Centro Cultural Borges Museum. Bs. As.
2021 II National Biennial Drawing Award, Franklin Rawson Museum of Fine Arts, San Juan
2021 LXV Manuel Belgrano Fine Arts Award, Painting, Museo Eduardo Sívori. Bs. As.
2021 LXV Manuel Belgrano Fine Arts Award, Drawing, Museo Eduardo Sívori. Bs. As.
2021 Acquisition Mention 14th Painting Prize Bancor, Museo Tamburini, Córdoba.
2021 IV Argentine Award for Visual Arts - Fundación OSDE, Bs. As.
2021 LXIV Manuel Belgrano Fine Arts Award, Painting, Bs. As.
2019 I National Biennial Drawing Competition, Museo de Bellas Artes Franklin Rawson, San Juan.
2019 LXIII Manuel Belgrano Fine Arts Award, Drawing. Museo Eduardo Sívori, Bs. As.
2018 IX Bicentennial Exhibition, Museo de Artes Visuales de Concordia, Entre Ríos
2017 National Visual Arts Award. Drawing. Palais de Glace, Bs. As.
2017 3rd Prize, IV Painting Competition Fundación Vittal. Espacio Modos.
2016 1st Prize XX Salón Primavera San Fernando, Bs. As.
2016 XVIII National Painting Award “Jose A. Nardin”. Drawing. Avellaneda, Sta. Fe.
2015 1st Prize XX Salón Primavera San Fernando, Bs. As.
2015 59º Fine Arts Award Manuel Belgrano. Drawing. Museo Eduardo Sívori, Bs. As.
2015 XVIII National Painting Award “Jose A. Nardin”. Drawing. Avellaneda, Sta. Fe.
2014 58º Salón de Artes Plásticas Manuel Belgrano. Dibujo. Museo Eduardo Sívori, Bs. As.
About Majo Caporaletti
Born in Buenos Aires in 1986. She holds a degree in Visual Arts from the National University of the Arts (UNA). From 2013 to 2015 she moves to Paris and attends the atelier of Drawing and Morphology by Philippe Comar and Valèrie Sonnier at the ENSBA in Paris. She is represented in Argentina by Praxis Gallery.
Her painting is nourished, among other things, by nature, her dreams and the relationship between animals and women. When painting, it is the internal vision that meets the world, achieving a body of work located between the plausible and the dreamlike. Through the use of light and symbolic language, Caporaletti investigates the translation of emotional states, affections, sensations, forces.
Awards and distinctions:
2022: Mention in painting 110° National Visual Arts Award. Centro Cultural Borges Museum. Bs. As.
2021 II National Biennial Drawing Award, Franklin Rawson Museum of Fine Arts, San Juan
2021 LXV Manuel Belgrano Fine Arts Award, Painting, Museo Eduardo Sívori. Bs. As.
2021 LXV Manuel Belgrano Fine Arts Award, Drawing, Museo Eduardo Sívori. Bs. As.
2021 Acquisition Mention 14th Painting Prize Bancor, Museo Tamburini, Córdoba.
2021 IV Argentine Award for Visual Arts - Fundación OSDE, Bs. As.
2021 LXIV Manuel Belgrano Fine Arts Award, Painting, Bs. As.
2019 I National Biennial Drawing Competition, Museo de Bellas Artes Franklin Rawson, San Juan.
2019 LXIII Manuel Belgrano Fine Arts Award, Drawing. Museo Eduardo Sívori, Bs. As.
2018 IX Bicentennial Exhibition, Museo de Artes Visuales de Concordia, Entre Ríos
2017 National Visual Arts Award. Drawing. Palais de Glace, Bs. As.
2017 3rd Prize, IV Painting Competition Fundación Vittal. Espacio Modos.
2016 1st Prize XX Salón Primavera San Fernando, Bs. As.
2016 XVIII National Painting Award “Jose A. Nardin”. Drawing. Avellaneda, Sta. Fe.
2015 1st Prize XX Salón Primavera San Fernando, Bs. As.
2015 59º Fine Arts Award Manuel Belgrano. Drawing. Museo Eduardo Sívori, Bs. As.
2015 XVIII National Painting Award “Jose A. Nardin”. Drawing. Avellaneda, Sta. Fe.
2014 58º Salón de Artes Plásticas Manuel Belgrano. Dibujo. Museo Eduardo Sívori, Bs. As.